Hi, JW , Thanks for your insightful post.
However, I feel that either inadvertantly, or deliberately, you are confusing us with vocabulary that has multiple meanings, all of which need greater clarity. Your initial query was : Do we believe that "God's Spirit" is "guiding" us.
I am not sure that is relevant one way or another, since we certainly do not consider ourselves to be EXCLUSIVE spokespersons for God.Like you, all of us are attempting to experience the divine, but in our own way, and we share this experience in verbal, not spirit, communication. So really, it does not MATTER whether this is "Holy Spirit" guided or not. And I am not sure why it should concern you anyway.
However, since you are the one who brought it up, maybe you can help us by DEFINING the terms you used.
What exactly do you mean by "God's spirit"? Are you referring to a THING, like an energy, or force, or even a portion of butter, we use on our toast? or are you referring to a Person, who like God CAN guide us? You see, if you mean the Holy Spirit is a THING, - you - not us will have to explain how this thing can "guide" any one. Get me?
Very often, the NT refers to the Holy Spirit as "speaking", well, does the Holy Spirit speak? How can it, if it is a thing? A radio "talks" but at no time can we describe a radio as "Conversing" with anyone, since it has no volition. To speak, one needs volition, thats why animals cannot speak.
Also what do you mean "guide"? You seem to imply that we believe the Holy Spirit is "BEHIND" this Forum, if that is the case, this isn't "Guiding" is it? To guide, one must LEAD, right? How in your opinion, does the Spirit LEAD?
See, once you explain these things to us, then, and only then, we can have an intelligent conversation, Get me?